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psychosomatic diseases

Each of us knows the unmistakable connection between strong feelings and physical symptoms: "butterflies in the stomach" or "anger in the stomach", "palpitations" when excited or in love, "a lump in the throat" or "weak knees" are just a few linguistic clues on the connection of body, mind and emotions. 


However, what if physical, painful symptoms prevail on a daily basis and severely impair life? When doctors keep assuring you that there are no physical causes for the pain? When your own thoughts only revolve around the pain and the question arises whether all of this really only takes place "in your head"?


Psychosomatic illnesses are sometimes caused by too much stress. Persistent emotional stress releases hormones such as cortisone and adrenaline in the body. Basically, these help our body to react quickly in dangerous situations. However, if the stress persists and the body is permanently flooded with "stress hormones", a variety of symptoms can develop: sleep disorders, anxiety, dizziness, eating disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, back pain, tinnitus, high blood pressure or chronic fatigue - just to name a few. 

If your symptoms have already been thoroughly evaluated by a doctor and are classified as psychosomatic or somatoform disorders, there are a number of ways to alleviate your symptoms. 

Identifying stress triggers and perpetuating patterns is a first step.  


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